The Smith Project

Local Hip Hop Dancers for Hire:

The Smith Project, Professional Hip Hop Dancers

The Smith Project is a contemporary and theatrical event dance company featuring professional hip hop dancers who devote themselves to carrying audiences into a new age of ever-evolving, vibrant dance performances by combining installments of the technology arts, composers, visual arts, diverse dance styles and dynamic techniques while supporting innovative, local professional artists in the Kansas City area.

Created by Marisa MacKay, [former Director, choreographer, and dancer of Reach…a movement collective, inc.] self producer and performer, 2011-2013 Performance Artist Resident of The Charlotte Street Urban Culture Project, Inspiration Grant Award Recipient of The Arts Council of Metropolitan Kansas City. The Smith Project is a new dance company established in Kansas City in 2011. The company was chosen by Charlotte Street for the outdoor pop-performance collaboration with The Ensemble of Irreproducible Outcomes for “Music and Movement on Impulse”, and then awarded “Best Outdoor Performance”. The Smith Project has been housed as the resident dance company at The Unicorn Theatre. The Smith Project’s hip hop dancers currently entertain through various projects and pop-up performances like operas and Art in The Loop.

Professional Hip Hop Dancers For:

  • Street faires and festivals
  • Flash mobs and parties
  • Wedding entertainment
  • And other events…

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